Forums - MVC2 Japanese will win in B5!!Pages (8): [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 » Show all 177 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- MVC2 Japanese will win in B5!! ( Posted by white on 04:24:2001 02:07 PM: We saw a video tape of tournament competition sent by Choiboy. If this is real American's top competitive level, we will not lose at all in B5 using subcharacters. It seems that the competitive level in America is lower than that day Japan vs America. We are keeping good motivation to counterattack against American player, but probably all American players think Japanese cannot win. So American players are careless now. But it is a big mistake. Warning!! Posted by psx2000 on 04:24:2001 02:09 PM: why do i have a feeling this thread will have like 200 replies by the time i wake up Posted by CgHuReInS on 04:24:2001 02:27 PM: Wonder what tape it was? Posted by Eric Magnus on 04:24:2001 02:28 PM: ROFL white... ummmmm no disrespect or anything... but isn't that a LITTLE bit overconfident? The Americans one last time, and they haven't been sitting on their hands. They've been getting better, playing more, making new tactics, etc. And they're studying your tactics thanks to those vids. But then I'm just a lazy American. Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna have to go drag my overweight bum back to McDonalds so I can gain more weight whilst skipping school and smoking pot and drinking beer and having underage sex and... Posted by Adam Warlock on 04:24:2001 03:35 PM: To be honest with you White, I wouldn't be surprised if the Japanese win this year, you guys are more open and willing to try new things, the americans have been very close minded and won't even think about using a character if he's not on our top tier. But I still have to give the edge to the Americans, although we have hesitated using other non top tier characters (Iron Man, Dalshim, Morrigan...) we have mastered our top tier beyond belief. If Justin gets a chance to go (he's only 15), I guarantee you, you've never seen a Magneto played the way he does. I predict America wins, but not by such a large margin as it was in B4 Posted by StiGgZ on 04:24:2001 03:53 PM: Japan has to get thru StiGgZ first.... Posted by Voodoo on 04:24:2001 04:02 PM: Luckily, we have our wild card east coaster, Justin Wong. I mean, the WC hasn't *really* seen him in action yet, much less Japan. Mauahahah.... Posted by Monkey on 04:24:2001 04:03 PM: We know you are good. It may not be the best for America. We wont know what will really happen untill it happens at B5. Posted by chunkis on 04:24:2001 04:05 PM: I told you so............White i hope you can prove me wright.... Posted by kusanagi on 04:24:2001 04:07 PM: expecting a good fight, keep it clean! Posted by SiN on 04:24:2001 04:27 PM: white may be right that the US has underestimated their abilities. Remember, all we've seen from the Japanese is exhibition footage. We don't really know whether they were playing to their full potential or not. Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if they had some tricks up their sleeve that we haven't seen. I still think that we'll dominate the Japanese just like we did in November for the same reasons--we have more people playing the game here than there (I assume) and that has allowed our level of gameplay to develop much faster than theirs. I don't really think that they really started to develop any sense of how MvC2 is truly played until they saw American players using Strider/Doom, Sentinel, Storm, etc. I think that's the level the Japanese are at, while the US has advanced to the next level... Damn, now I'm all hyped for B5. Remember, the Japanese will have to get through probably close to 150 competitors (possibly more) to win it... Oh, and just because you've seen Dhalsim used fairly well that he can compete in high level, tournament caliber competition. I remember Duc experimenting with Sim a while ago and feeling that Sim could not compete with most top tiers. Personally, I don't see how he can beat Storm, the most used character in the US next to Cable... Posted by ID on 04:24:2001 04:40 PM: Forget the japanese..I wanna see justin wong in action..whats the big deal about his mags anyways? Posted by Psycho Soldier on 04:24:2001 05:37 PM: The Japanese players are bound to have something up their sleeves. Case in point... during the first meeting, Japanese players were showing the US some things using characters like Dhalsim and Anarkis (which a few of the characters considered to be "top tier" by the Japanese at one point if I'm not mistaken). Even though the US showed more dominance with MvC2, they obviously learned something since now characters like Storm and Dhalsim are now being used more. Not one team or country will be able to do it all... so I'm certain that the Japanese will show us something different... regardless if they win or lose. Posted by Yushiro on 04:24:2001 06:04 PM: ^-^ It seems that the japanese players have gotten a lot better in MvC2 then I thought. B5 is going to get more interesting then I have anticipated. Perhap's it's time for me to get back into MvC2 and see how far I get. I'm not a very good MvC2 and I really don't stand a chance against the best players in the US or Japan but I'll do my best to have a good time and participate in all the fun that will be going down in MvC2. gameplay level is nowhere near the rest of the US competition levels however you have gave me a great interest in playing the lower tier characters in MvC2. Ever since I saw the Ironman videos I was deeply impressed of the infinity setups but I also sensed that they're is a lot more coming in B5 then what were seeing on SRK forum. Also it's been quite a long time since I have had any interest in playing MvC2 competitively but ever since I saw this thread saying that Japan will win MvC2 at B5 and they have more tricks. I've decided to resurrect from my retirement now from MvC2 and hopefully to meet with the japanese players. Therefore I hope to challenge the japanese players at B5 for MvC2. ^_^ Posted by LittleMajik on 04:24:2001 06:07 PM: quote: Originally posted by white We saw a video tape of tournament competition sent by Choiboy. If this is real American's top competitive level, we will not lose at all in B5 using subcharacters. It seems that the competitive level in America is lower than that day Japan vs America. We are keeping good motivation to counterattack against American player, but probably all American players think Japanese cannot win. So American players are careless now. But it is a big mistake. Warning!! Americans: Don't Lie, whose shiverring in their boots right now. Posted by DavestA on 04:24:2001 06:11 PM: Heh wutever ill jus look forawrd to seeing it in the B5 video Posted by DrunkinB on 04:24:2001 06:11 PM: What about the Canadians??? We could win too as long as we keep up to a good level we could have a good chance too! Posted by Yushiro on 04:24:2001 06:14 PM: Hehehe. Well said LittleMajik. ^-^ I'm still thinking about using Ironman but my consistancy with the infinity combo's is very poor. I may go back to using Anakaris and I've seen the videos on SRK but even when I try to get down the infinity combo I'm still no good when it comes to infinity combos. Right now my team is still Storm, Cyclops, Sentinel but I may end up using my Anakaris team in the old days. ^_^ Posted by Voodoo on 04:24:2001 06:37 PM: quote: Originally posted by ID Forget the japanese..I wanna see justin wong in action..whats the big deal about his mags anyways? Superior control I suppose. Have you ever seen Magneto whip out a dead body infinite in a tournament setting? Posted by BlackShinobi on 04:24:2001 06:54 PM: Lack of originality runs rampant in the US Most people aren't willing to try something unless they've already seen it win which means that there is already someone better at it than you even before you begin Pepole talk about japanese characers but everyone and their grandmother would be learning dhalsim two days after B5 if a japanese player beat Duc with him. Posted by NJzFinest on 04:24:2001 07:01 PM: quote: Originally posted by ID Forget the japanese..I wanna see justin wong in action..whats the big deal about his mags anyways? IT IS GOD Posted by Six-Armed on 04:24:2001 07:17 PM: Confidence is everything. I dont hate or blame Japanese people for showing their backbones and confidence, actually, I really admire that. The difference between White and some scrub talking crap is that, after all the smoke clears, he will still show us respect and all that. We US players would be lying if we said we weren't confident and think that WE are gonna dominate them. For me, this is a good sign of things to come. Japan players and US players respect eachother. These little shots of confidence will just make the fights even better. Posted by Spider-Dan on 04:24:2001 08:34 PM: I'm really getting tired of people whining about how "US players have no originality, they just parrot whoever Duc says is top tier." You'll notice that most of the people saying this are doing so because someone politely informed them that their Marrow/Amingo/Colossus team is, in fact, garbage. Duc, Valle, Ricky, etc do not just magically wake up one day and say "Today I think I will make Anakaris top tier." The top tier is determined by who does good in tournaments. Read the tournament results and you can see who the top tier is for yourself! If you think your Morrigan/Hulk/Sakura team is so great, and that nobody's giving them a chance, PROVE IT. Don't sit around waiting for someone else to find something good with them, so you can say, "See! I told you Venom was top tier!" (never mind that you can't be bothered with detailing how he beats, or contributes to beating, the popular teams) Posted by LordLocke on 04:24:2001 09:20 PM: Bwa ha ha, foolish. I will be there with VENOM, bane of all. No one can stand up to the might of VENOM. GWOAAAAAH! Well, seriously, I AM taking Venom... probably. More I find, more I see the guy actually having a shot and getting me through a few rounds at B5 and earning the respect of a few people. Posted by TheRifleMan on 04:24:2001 09:25 PM: I prove my amingo/juggernaut/iron man team day in and day out. I used to play anakaris all the time, until people found out you could guard break his ass w/o even know what a guard break is. Anakaris on the ground gets pressured, with no real throw he's toast... Anakaris in the air either gets guard broken or raped by anti airs. Are there any arcades that actually upkeep their SFTS and SFA3 games? The local Pinball Pete's treats them like garbage so no one really plays them anymore. Does that happen at other places too? All times are GMT. The time now is 10:56 PM.Pages (8): [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 » Show all 177 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.